Thursday, April 23, 2009


All great companies have their own unique Mission Statements so why shouldn't you?

A Company's mission statement tells the world who they are, what their purpose is, and what their long term objectives are

Companies do this to show how distinctively different they are from their competitors.

They define themselves in order to stand out and lead.

This is their corporate identity and it reminds their employees of who they are working for and why.

A mission statement frames who you are, what you believe in, and where you are going.

This is why it is so important for you to examine yourself and create your own personal mission statement so you understand who you are, what you stand for, and what you need to achieve in life.

Your personal mission statement is a reminder of your value and what is meaningful to you.

It is also a map showing you how far you have come and how you arrived at this point in life.

When you understand what you have and what is important to you, then you are filled with confidence, purpose, and direction.

Knowing yourself "puts you in the driver's seat" for example how do you feel when you are in the passenger's seat?

Some might describe it as not being in control, more like a spectator relying on someone else to get them to their destination?

Only you can get you to your destination and you have to do the driving.

Knowing yourself creates focus, potency, and clarity.
Knowing yourself puts you in the "zone."

For example NFL quarterbacks often describe the "zone" as being able to see every detail of a play while under "attack", they say it feels as if everything is in slow motion and they have all the time in the world to decide on the correct course of action.

An experienced quarterback in the zone has the vision to execute a potent strategy delivered with skill, poise, and inner confidence.

You have this same opportunity but you must sit down and investigate what makes you, YOU!

The ability to STOP and look inward is something all of us should do but in reality most of us make the same mistake and think we are too busy to STOP.

In our minds we have decided taking time to evaluate ourselves is not a priority.
That it is passive and a waste of our time. We are always looking outward but rarely inward.

Most of us are distracted reacting to problems we would not have if we knew ourselves better.

Take the time now and evaluate yourself by answering the following questions because understanding your Inner Mission Statement is essential to your continued success.

What do I stand for?

What do I want to achieve?

What gives me meaning?

What is unique about my story?

What was I "custom designed" for?

What do I specialize in?

What is my dream?

Why that particular dream?

What do you want to give back to your fellow man?

What makes you feel potent?

What brings out the best in you?

Am I in the "driver's seat"?

What is my passion?

Do I know where I'm going?

Who am I?????????

What is my mission statement?


As always you will have to regularly modify and reexamine your personal mission statement.

The challenge of defining and refining ourselves is no easy task but then who would want it any other way?

"I don't know what the future holds but I know who holds it"


Friday, April 17, 2009


As I listen to Miss Susan Boyle's spine tingling interpretation of "I dreamed a Dream" from the musical Les Miserables for the twentieth time,

I realize that it isn't she that is transformed rather it is we that are being transformed.

Her raw talent wrapped in a middle aged disguise brings back feelings of innocence, naivety, and a heart without hurt.

We are all standing on our feet cheering for the person who was brave enough to endure the tough times while at the same time not forgetting what was important.

She was prepared for success and she knew it. She had us right where she wanted us!

In a matter of minutes she taught us a lesson about preconceived ideas and reminded us of who we are and who we should be.

Miss Boyle has become an "instant success" not because of her amazing voice but because she had the nerve and the determination to believe in her dream while others dismissively told her it was impossible.

She broke the "rules," she doesn't match the "formula" so...

Why did she try?

Why did she keep going?

Why was she successful?

Why was she able to connect with anyone who experienced her performance?

How could this happen within seven minutes?

What ingredients caused this historic viral chemical reaction? '60.000,000' and counting.

As Managers, Partners, Entrepreneurs, and CEO's what can we learn from Miss Susan Boyle? PLENTY!

In my opinion she never forgot what her passion was and she knew what was truly important to her. She also knew what she had!

Without a doubt she has a remarkable voice but it is her story which is getting all the press.

Finding your voice is vital to feeling fulfilled and evolving and that's something unique to all of us.

No matter who you are the pursuit of excellence is driven by a desire to create meaning and to do what is right for the common good.

There really isn't any difference for example between Miss Boyle and President Obama they have both found their positions or their voices if you like.

In both cases they have shown courage to be themselves and to trust their instincts.

Miss Boyle does not seem intimidated by what others think and or should you.

When we choose to follow the crowd we lose, it is only when we choose our own path that we start to feel energized and centered.

If you are going to make a mistake make sure it is your mistake.

The best we can do from following the crowd is realizing it isn't for us.


So the questions we must ask are.......

Have I found my voice?

What do I have to offer?

What is unique about my story?

What do I want?

Do I have the courage to lead?

Have I discovered myself?

Do I trust myself?

What is holding me back from going my own way?

What raw talent is uniquely mine?

How can I add meaning to what I do?

Knowing who you are and what you have to offer is a powerful force.
You owe it to yourself to invest in your success and pursue your best with Passion, Determination, and Conviction.

Defining and refining yourself adds meaning to all you do and you should never settle for anything less.

No Compromises! No Holding back!

If Miss Boyle has taught us anything it is to never give up your dream, be true to yourself, and be prepared for success because in the next seven minutes you could be discovered.

Thank you Miss Boyle for inspiring me. I would wish you good luck but I can see you have taken care of that.


Monday, April 13, 2009


In our desire to attract new customers we often neglect our established customers.

Over time we gradually take our customers for granted meanwhile our customer feels Invisible, unappreciated, and is growing more unsatisfied as each quarter passes.

Then one day they happily inform you (by email of course) that they no longer require your services.

Losing a global client can be devastating especially when you consider you gave this great client away to your competitor after years of hard work.

Money is sometimes a factor but more often than not it is because of poor communication skills and because you are focusing your energies elsewhere.

You have lost your direction and you have forgotten who your most important clients are and you need to recommit.

Global companies are always investing in their best employees and yet they neglect their prized customers. WHY?

If anything you should be investing more time and energy in your established customers because they have earned your loyalty. (80/20 rule Vilfredo Pareto)

Ask yourself ......

Which client would really hurt my company financially if they left today?
Which customer if they left today would damage our brand?

What is your strategy for not only keeping your customers but having them recommend your services?

When was the last time you exceeded your customer's expectations?

Would your clients say they are receiving exceptional service from you?

Why should your clients stay with you? If it's just price then you are in trouble!

How would you rate your level of communication and service?

How would you describe your current relationship?

How often do you discuss performance and future objectives with your clients?

Are you really serving your clients?

Do you know your clients?

Are you doing enough?

If not then what is your plan of action?

My "mantra" is "Invest in your Success" and what better way then to Invest in your established customers? (Pareto's Law)

Your clients represent your success so why would you neglect them?

These are the people who can and will recommend you if you are exceeding their expectations.

These same people can and will complain to others about your mediocre service if you are not exceeding their expectations.

Companies are made up of people which is why it has to be personal.

How strong is your connection and what are you doing to develop it?

How personal is your communication, is it all by email or do you pick up the phone?

Better yet when was the last time you talked to your client face to face?


Understanding your customer's vision is the only way you can effectively serve them.

What do they need and what problems need to be solved?

One of the "sins" we all commit is not taking enough time to listen to our customers.

We tell ourselves we are too busy and we will arrange a meeting when it slows down.

Of course it never slows down and it never will, you know from personal experience that you are only getting busier so make time!

It is imperative that you prioritize and have a clear vision of where you should be directing your attention. If it is not on your customers then something is wrong!

Delegate if you have to because it is your responsibility to manage your success.

It is always valuable to remember how you first persuaded your customers to let you handle their precious business.

What was it that first attracted these clients to you?

What was it that attracted you to your clients?

How did you feel at the time and how does that compare to today?

Evaluate your relationship every six months and make a point of recommitting yourself to their success.


Building and maintaining a strong relationship by working with your customer through good times and bad will guarantee added value to you personally and your firm forever.

Managing success is a pleasure and so it should be, our customers are important to our daily lives and helping them succeed is an honor that I look forward to each and every day.


Sunday, March 29, 2009


For a Smooth, Effective, and Successful Interview you must be prepared!

Do your research and find out everything you can about your future employer and position.

Check out their website, brochures, annual reports, stock price, and so on.

Try to speak with someone who has a connection to this company.

Who are their competitors?
Who are their customers?

What do they sell?
What makes their products or services different?

By the time of your interview you should know their past, present, and future.

Ask yourself....................

What was it about my resume that attracted enough interest to invite me to this Interview?

Why do I want this position and why this company?
What makes this company different?

What skills are required and do I qualify?

What can I offer that is valuable and unique to me?
Is this position challenging enough?


I would recommend practicing your interview answers at least two weeks in advance with a professional Interview Coach.

By doing this your delivery will be smooth and your answers will sound completely natural which is so important. Professional feedback is invaluable to achieving success.


Confirm the DAY, TIME, and LOCATION of the Interview as well as the names and titles of the Interviewers.

I would suggest taking the time to go to the location to see exactly where it is and how long it takes for a casual stress free commute.

Prepare a package which includes extra resumes, a photograph, and anything else specific to the interview.

By this time your outfit should be chosen and dry cleaned solely for this interview.

Your overall look should be Professional and Conservative.

Refrain from wearing too much perfume or cologne as it may be overpowering.

Ties should be understated and shoes polished.

As Coco Chanel once said "You should notice the woman not the clothing".


I would take the time to remind yourself as to

Why you want to work for this specific company?
Why you think this is a win, win situation for you and the company.


Have your outfit and Interview materials all organized.

Last but not least spend a few minutes and go over the questions and answers you anticipate will be raised during tomorrow's interview.


Before you leave home make sure to go through your checklist.

Company's Address and Phone number
Interview package
Names and titles of the interviewers.
My Smile, My Optimism, and don't forget your SENSE OF HUMOR.


You have arrived at your destination 30 minutes in advance and this gives you an opportunity to stroll around for 15 minutes and enjoy a short espresso.


You are walking into the reception room with a great smile and perfect posture and the first person you will meet is the receptionist.

Treat this person with the utmost respect and inform them as to who you are and why you are there.

While you are waiting scan over your resume and relax because at this point you have prepared as much as you can.


The first 5 minutes will most likely decide whether you will be hired or not.

My clients, colleagues, and my own experience have convinced me the first five minutes are crucial to your success.

All of your experience, knowledge, and preparation have come down to you making a great impression in the next five minutes.

Greet the interviewers with your winning smile.

Shake their hands firmly.

Wait to be offered a chair.

Proper posture.

Look attentive.

Small talk is fine even desirable but don't force it.

Your NUMBER 1 goal is to connect with the Interviewers.

Create a rapport and reveal to them who you really are.

This can't be just another interview you have to "stand out"

Listen carefully and never interrupt.

Answer all questions but keep them short and to the point.

Due to nervousness we tend to answer too quickly and speak too much.
Most of us want to be perfect which is impossible so why add that extra pressure?

The PERFECT INTERVIEW is not meant to imply that you are perfect.

The perfect interview demands you connect with the interviewers showing your personal and professional value to the position and their corporate culture enough to "land" the job.

Try and use the interviewer's surname sometimes when answering a question.
This is one of the tactics used to create a positive rapport.
This is where your soft skills have to "shine".

Show each interviewer the same amount of respect regardless of their position.
So for example when answering a question make sure you are acknowledging each interviewer through eye contact, not just the person who asked you the question.


Tell me about yourself?
Why do you wish to work for our firm?

What are your salary expectations?
What are your present duties?

What do you know about our company?

Why do you think you are qualified for this position?
What do you do in your spare time? Hobbies

Why are you interested in this Industry?
What makes you an effective manager?

Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond the call of duty?
How do measure success?

Do you manage your time efficiently?
What is your greatest passion?

Describe a proud achievement not on your Resume/CV

When can you start?

YES the answer is always YES

Having two or three questions prepared is telling the interviewer
I'm very interested in working for your company.

This is an opportunity to show your knowledge, enthusiasm, and preparation.

What would you like me to achieve in my first six months if I'm offered this position?
How would you describe the responsibilities of this position?

What factors distinguish successful employees from less successful employees?
Would you like a list of references?

What are the company's short and long term goals?
What do you enjoy most about working here?

If I'm offered the position who would I be reporting to?
Does management encourage advancement from within the company?

What is the next step?
When is the starting date for the successful candidate?

Are there any other questions I can answer?

Thank the interviewers for their time and be sure to thank the receptionist.

I would advise sending a Thank You note immediately.

Now sit down and ask yourself

How did I do?
What did I do right?

What would I do differently?

Did I connect?
Did I develop a rapport?

How was the first five minutes?
Was it the "perfect" interview if so why?


In my opinion it is easier to make mistakes in these types of Interviews because we have to rely more on our "soft skills" and we often "let our guard down"

The goal is still the same, you have to connect with your interviewers.

Why have they chosen a restaurant?

It could be they want to see how well you "navigate" in this environment and to test your social skills because the position demands you entertain clients regularly.
(or maybe they're just hungry)


During the interview you want to avoid anything "messy" or hard to handle.
Avoid alcohol remember THIS IS AN INTERVIEW.

So arrive at the restaurant 15 minutes in advance.
Greet the Interviewers with a smile and a firm handshake.

Once you have been seated place your napkin on your lap.
If you have to leave the table then place your napkin on the left arm of your chair.
Treat the service staff with the utmost respect.


Always start from the outside and work your way in.

Place your knife and fork parallel across the plate.
Place your folded napkin neatly beside your plate.

Once the Interview is over
Thank them for their time and the wonderful meal.

Last but not least be sure to send a Thank you note immediately.

On behalf of MBASENSEI I wish you my very best.


Friday, March 27, 2009


A "winning" resume is a distilled profile of where you have been, where you are, and where you are going.

A "winning" resume is a tailored business plan offering a seductive proposal.

A "winning" resume "delivers" an Interview and ultimately a career.

So today lets concentrate on putting you in the proper mindset by asking .....

What do I need to consider before writing a resume?

1. What type of position would be perfect for me?

2. What position would I find challenging?

3. Based on my background and personality what do I really need and want?

4. What are my qualifications and where do I excel ?

5. What type of company do I want to work for?

6. Who is this company?

7. What do they sell? What is their reputation?

8. What are they famous for?

9. What is their mission statement?

In other words know yourself and know your future company?

Let's explore the "ingredients" of a winning resume

Self Analysis


Public Relations

Graphic Design

Business Planning


Copy Writing




Critical Thinking

Soft Skills

and a little bit of Luck.

As you can see this is going to be a custom designed resume armed with a powerful, succinct, proposal aimed at one company.

You know who you are, so you know what you want and now you have "tracked down" a company who requires your unique background and talents.

Your resume has 30 seconds to convince the Personnel Manager you are worth more of their precious time and an interview.

So before you even start thinking of writing your resume ask yourself

Who and What does this company need?

Do I have the qualifications they are looking for?

Why should they choose me?

Why do I want to work for this particular company?

The more you know about this company and yourself, the better your chances of "landing" an interview.

Your resume must be "tailored" to reflect that you have what they need.

This is your "Masterpiece" and your Representative.

You have 30 seconds to get an Interview so Sell, Sell, Sell.

This is your "Masterpiece" so be Innovative, Daring, and Concise.

Revise, Revise, Revise

For the final draft I would recommend having an expert examine it to make sure your resume is the best it can be and that it matches your background and professionalism perfectly.

Spare no expense in materials and services because this Resume and the way it is presented, represents you!